Friday, September 23, 2005

Phew! Finally Friday!

Happy Friday all!!! Didn't think it would ever get here. Yesterday the boss sent out an email to all & sundry that on Oct 18 our Div would have a "Clean-Up Day". Its mandatory for everyone. No regular work on that day - no excuses. The Manager's are springing for pizza & soda. Two weeks before this takes place the Section Support staff will go thru their section & the common areas and put tags on boxes, piles of papers, etc. The tags will list who it belongs to. That person will have 2 weeks to decide what needs to happen to it - recycle, trash, storage, etc. If nothing is done with it by Oct 18 - it gets pitched! Since I'm in the Admin Section (5 people), There isn't a lot to do, other than our own cubicles. But there is a supply room CHOCK FULL of stuff. Well, I tackled that yesterday. I threw away lots of OLD stuff that had been on the shelves for years, straightened all the shelves, threw out old nasty binders, etc. Had my boss take a look and she actually hugged me. Well, it does look nice. Today I will be straightening my cube. I will be going on vacation the week of Oct 10 and I want it to look good before I go. Then when I get back it will be the week of "Clean-Up Day". I want all our (Admin's) stuff done well ahead of time. Then I don't have to worry about it any longer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm also going to start another of the "Knitted Babes" (see Grayling, above). But this one will be more with an Asian look to her. I need to figure out how to make her eyes look Asian. When I have knitted on her body to where her hair would be, I am going to knit her head the color of her hair. That way when I do add some hair she won't have scalp showing. I think I'll give her the typical square cut. Then I'll add a few pieces of yarn for her bangs. I think that will look cute. I meant to start on her this morning on the way to work on the train, but I left the body pattern at home. But I did have the pattern for knitting her a tank top, so I started on that instead. Better go knit on that top. Have a good Friday and grand weekend! -Stine

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